Friday, October 29, 2010

* gentle reminder

salam kawan kawanku.heeeee

I think it's already been my habit to see u guys - updating your blog first , then only the kick comes and pushed me to write. something. unnecessarily. hehe.

nothing interesting happened these days - just finished crazy exam week, just got the result, eheheee *don't ask* and oo yea, it's mid autumn already !!! how time flies..winter is coming in a month time, i guess, yet so very cold here. light snowing on some days, raining on the other , and breezy windy days everyday with 60mph winds kissing straight onto your face. sweet. feels like even if you poke your face with the sharpest knife, blood will still be afraid to come out ~ hee. pale okeh.

while I'm shivering to death ( metaphore ) to walk to my far-away-luckily-there's - a-bus-class, I am actually enjoying every bits of it. believe me =p

ok. sayang2 sekalian, nak start dah ni.kah kah. duduk gaya beruang ni okeh.haha.

hemmmmmm..have u ever heard of this cheesy - cheesy like phrase ? (haha ) -asal ayat macam nak ceramah.

ok serius. ayat ini -

'Begin with the end in mind'

ok I know it's like so cliche, everyone would know kan kan.

ntah.lately. ok da lama actually. I've been thinking hard. bout my future. my past. and. crucial ni. my purpose. of living. sometimes, late at night. I am thinking. whatthefish am I doing actually in this world? :)

purpose. as a muslim , nah. AKhirat, our afterlife is our purpose. indeed to see Him , happily, is our purpose. being placed in Heaven, is our purpose.

please not to say, to be a good dietitian ehehe, to marry our handsome husband, have bundle of tembam kids and so on. hahah.that's the fruits in the middle okeh.ok balik ke pangkal jalan.

Then, if that's our purpose, all about the AFterlife, why would we have to study, or work like soooo hard IF all these hardwork - superficially are Duniawi things , everything that we did, or are doing now, in this temporary world will be gone into drain one day, after we died? Why don't we just focus on what After Life will be, how to survive, and push all Duniawi things aside..hurrm?




To think about it,

what we are doing now in this world MUST come with good purpose. MUST come with the ultimate intention. to serve Him. To be prepared to see him.

study, working, no matter how much we put our efforts on it, once He said that it's time for us to go, that's it. All gone. plainly.

EXCEPT if what we are doing now is directed to HIM.

I am actually not very good in putting what my mind is thinking or what my heart is telling into words, precisely, (hehe ) , but actually life is pretty simple. you just have to balance it. And of course put your good niat ( the ultimate one) into it. Put your bestest efforts. and that's it :) ok haha sounds simple, I know. hey everything comes with price now. tears is one of it. it's the MSG of life.

actually, I used to think that everything should always be according to my plan. by 'my plan' i meant, dulu, is my future. duniawi-ly. that's all. I am a careful planner. sometimes I can bee too creative. too imaginative. too futuritive. not something that I proud of. honestly. i tell ya. if i want something, I will work on it to every bits. but somehow, deep in my heart, I know, I forgot to include this important thing. this balancing thing. I didnt balance it. it's not that I didnt do what all the muslim should do ( solat, puasa, etc etc ) but, I only think of wHat I wanna be in this world, not what I wanna be in this world that's gonna contribute, influence and place me amongst His beriman slave There.....the After Life.

I worked hard but the way I hope things should turn out to be is only on the duniawi side, I didnt mention about the Akhirat side. To me, beforehand, akhirat is only about our solat, puasa and all the Rukuns.and our pahala dan dosa...

but actually, study is not just study, it's ibadah. Kerja too, is ibadah. jaga anak too, is ibadah. If only we put it on the right path. with the right intention.and the right way. With the Islam spirit in it.

So, if we direct all our doings that way, by directing to our Qiblah of life, with Allah in mind, before and after, I am sure, InsyaAllah, we will get to balance things, and eventually, get the best of BOTH worlds.


so, back to the phrase, can we rephrase it?

Begins and ends with Allah in mind :)

I used it a lot now..every single day.makes problem no longer a problem.makes sadness no longer ( at least lessen ) a sadness . ( tapi homesick ehem harusla tetap kan )...hmm..maybe I've realized about this before, Alhamdulillah, but it's just happened that I REALLY REALLY want to ENTIRELY put it into ACTION at this age. *batuk batuk* muda lagi kan?

I always remember Him. it's just that I didn't clearly say I remember Him in everything I did before. admittedly, human being, lack of many things. but how we're going to fix that lacks is what matters, i guess.

and that's the thing that I wanna change in my life. you should too, if not yet :) Subhanallah..


salam sayang.

p/s : kami tertulih banyak lagi.huh. it's just a piece of mind. if u mind sharing, my dear frens. :) miss u.

and all the beruang gebu berbulu pictures are just symbolic of the coldness I'm having now here.brrrrrr....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

* mixed feelings

kanak kanak comel di sini.

dear sayangs

di keheningan malam ini...aku menarikan tinta untuk meluahkan padamu betapa...eceh...
takdanya nk menulis gitu kan.ha ni tetiba rasa nk post something sbb pi umah cik faezah nagn cik huda, dua2 berupdate. so, ok, da rasa cm tanggungjawab kapada negara.haha.

ok takda cerita sebenarnya.huahua.sebab tgah busy exam.oh ok tiba2 ada idea. sekarang fall kt minne.cantik sgt. jalan atas daun you.ceh. metafora.pastu bila angin, daun2 berguguran atas kepala i.tetiba ada seorang jejaka tolong sapu2 kan daun yang telah menimbun kat kepala besar i. hahaha.ok merepek.geli geli. jgn marah sayang.*gurau* haha

korang.tetiba mode sedih.tau x, setiap malam i mimpikan harith.em.harith ni my nephew. *tetiba explain kot org ingat bf bunyi cm gatal di situ*
setiap malam nak tido, mesti kena tggu mata ngantuk yg teramat sangat yang baca bismillah trus pengsan mimpi trus tu. kalau saja2 nk golek2 berangan2 yg indah before terlelap tu memang xlah sekarang, kerana memang muka harith jee yg i nampak nanti. :'( sedih ngat ok.kadang2 rasa kuat.kadang2 rasa lemah sangat. kadang2 terbayang dia menunggu i balik.sebab selalunya kalau jauh sikit dpd dia, mesti akan balik plg lama pun 1 minggu. itu pun dia da tergedik2 suka bila npk keta i balik dah. 2. bulan.Ya Allah. mcm.mana.nak.harungi.2

satu2nya sebab yang mmberatkan hati berada disini - dia la. seriously, sbb datangla apa pun cabaran kat sni yg selain dia,i know, i'll survive.

hangpa doakan leen nah.moga kuat. mungkin sbb dia plg rapat dpd budak2 yg lain.yala, tdo mkn mndi sekali, u'uk dia pun i ingat kaler apa bau cmna *haha*.ok.pastu tgk pampers kt supermarket rasa rindu kat dia T_T

hmm...leen harap sgt..insyaAllah.supaya dapat jadikan dia semangat utk buat yg terbaik.supaya pengorbanan berjauh ngn dia ni xsia2.

ayeh, even if u wont read this. but maksu wanna tell u.still.that i love u.i miss u.i left u not becoz i want to, but because i have to. maksu cant be in 'that' comfort zone all my life.if u wonder what the comfort zone is, i'll explain when u r big enough to understand ;) and i have to do something for my dream dear. my future ahead. one day. I'll be back.with lots & much much more love for you.n toys - of course. and HOPE. hoping that U'll still remember me as your old maksu - the one who tk cre of u since your head as little as my palm.ok lawak pulak rasa sbb kepala dia sgt besar skrg. haha.

ok dah. dah luah dah.sekarang masa utk berdoa agar semangat tak luntur. dan belajar.dan grad. dan jadi dietitian berjaya *ceh ayat* dan berbakti kepada masyarakat.dan org obese. hehe.


maksu from minnesota.