Saturday, October 31, 2009

* Check it out girls!

shin bi ni sgtla comel.

selamat datang...amat malas utk menulis. tapi saya diberi benda di bawah ini yg membuat saya tersengih sensorang and klepuk! - terkena muka sndiri..agakk betulll most of the parts - 96%?.. rasa terharu sbb ada sesuatu yg bisa menggambarkan diri saya dgn agak
nearlyyyy true.padahal tuan punya badan pun xreti nk meluahkan dgn kata2 ayat utk diri sendiri..huhu..kot. hehehe.Anyway - it's just for fun.=)


A good looking woman with brains, a very interesting person. She has a fast movement and she could not sit still or stand still long. She is able to do many things at the same time and do it fast. If you date her ,you will feel like dating many women at the same time. You can not tie her down with the word "Love" because she cares about love but is it not a major factor of her life.

You have to be able to adjust yourself to get along with her many different characters. She is a dreamer and has many dreams. She eager to learn something new all the time. Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed character type, she is quite lucky in love. You have to put all your efforts to win her affection. Even when she likes you and wonder about your wit, she will also see and inspect your bad side at the same time, because it is in her nature.

She able to keep all kinds of mixed emotions without annoying you or letting you know at all. She can cheer you up by acting like a free little bird. Her conversation will not bored you. She able to talk to you in any subjects. She can make you feel like you are the luckiest man alive. She can make you feel like she needs all your care, but once she needs to stand alone, she can stand alone firmly an comfortably.

She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything. She can join all your activities with the same energy that you have. She is a quick wit person and learn new things very fast. She can see your projects and she can give you good advice. If she thinks you are not sure that you want her for yourself, she will act like your best friend only, a cool woman.

She can easily make a guy fall in love with her. Her multiple changes and many moods is a "Charm" for many men. She is lovable.She can be laughing for 2 minutes and later suddenly quiet. She wants to find only 1 true love and she wants to meet her dream guy. She expects a lot and nearly too much. She is a dreamer and always waiting for her knight shinning armor ,so her love life can be complex or a mess.

She hates to write a long letter, so if you write her a letter and expect a prompt reply, forget it. Because she has a multiple personality and multiple ideas, so she hates to put them down in written proof. Because she knows what she belief today can be different tomorrow.

She could communicate with more than 1 languages , a real gifted linguistic. If she wants to tell you any bad comments, she won't say it straight away, but she will talk to you about many other things and accidentally come to that subject without offending you. Normally she will not lie.

She will work hard and once a while take a long rest. She can get bored and tired with her own surrounding more than at work. She never feel content with her present work, money, or reputations, she will drive to have more. Don't ask her what is her ultimate contentment for she will not have an answer.

Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive person and always be beside you. She has a beautiful dream and she loves to have someone walk side by side with her, together and equally.

* * *



" she is a dreamer " - 2x repeated !! * clap clap *

anyway - diulang...for fun only.haaaaaa..

ok for the LOVE part - not so TRUE - sejak bila saya pakai " charm " ni suma!'s a no. and men easily fall in love?? no. no. no.lawak sgt ok.

and tp for the work part, dream part, etc..manyakk betul. kot.haha. it's so me.


ok dah edit entry ni.teeheee..


She thinks the world is watching her through the eye glasses of rose petal frame. She thinks people think and talk about her only about good things and often disappoint to know the fact that they are not true and not even real, so she will feel hurt. She think her path has to be a beautiful one. She think only good things so she prepares and always make arrangement for herself to be in the right path always, quite systematic indeed.

If there is no guy in her life, she will be busy with herself. This seemingly ordinary woman will push herself to meet he! r goal. Her face mostly will be slim and long, high cheek bone, Eye brow slightly curve up, slight tall more than short, thin lips and she will have quite a confusing or mixture of character.

Sometimes, she will be very careful about guy she will mingle with. She thinks as if she has a main CPU in her head and she could memorize everything from her childhood. When she faces with problems, she will handle them and solving them very well, and at the same time showing other people that she has that capability. She can put her mind in solving problems in crisis better than many other Zodiac. Once she determine to do thing, nothing will stop her.

Woman in this Zodiac could be t! otally different from one woman to another woman. You could see her in the party dancing like flash dance or dirty dancing, as well you could also see her as an old fashion lady or a geek. She could be someone flashy and wanted by many men, or she could be a cold and non-social person. She will have her own way to win you over. Once she choose you, she will need to be proud of you.

"Love" is not as important to her as "Marriage". Her real goal in life is "Safety" and her position in other people sight need to be "Secure". She plans her life, and socially life easily and very carefully. She is also very artistic and realistic, so if you are a nobody or nothing, no chance because she loves ambition and a good life. She need lots of love,but do not want and do not belief in an occasional or unconventional love.

She is a proud in nature type, so if you see a woman in this Zodiac come from a poor family, she will act like a woman from a noble family by birth anyway (certainly there are always exception). She always look cool even when she is not. She like to make people see her as "secure and confident" even she is a mixed emotion and mixed character type. If she is mad, you can tell right away and she can stay moody for quite a long time.

You never have all her times, for she likes to work hard and also spent some spare times working for cha! rity. You will see woman in this zodiac a "Volunteer" for camp, and if she is in a high society, she will most likely be a president or a V.P. of a "Club". She is a romantic and artistic, but being poor and unstable is certainly not in her dreams. Her beautiful imaginations need to be realistic, for failure is not in her plan.

A Goat always climb high, so either she start from a low point or a high point, she will make sure at the end she will have the best spot. She will not show her ambition, but she will show that she satisfy with herself now. Once you look back she already moved up again , quietly but sure.

If she is your love one, be supportive and understand her. She is stubborn, but she will listen. She will act like a gentle fragile person,but in fact she can stick you down like a super glue without you knowing it. <<<---- cik uda!! hee


When she is in love, she will act both ways. First, Shy and polite trembling to be near you. Second, Attach to you like glue and trying to be with you all the times. She will try to go home with you after work, or have every lunch with you. It is O.K. if you like her too, but if is is not the case, you will feel very uncomfortable.

She hates to be talked about or gossiped by someone else. If she knows she will be very hurt. In nature she is a shy type, except she has been influenced by some other Zodiac. She is not a brave or daring type, so if you like her then you better be the o! ne who start first. She will not accept her true feeling, so if you like here you better tell her first.

She is like a musical note always change in tunes, so one minute she can be funny and cheerful, and one minute she can be sad and depress. Other people may think of her as "Over-acting", or "Over-reacting".

When she is depress, she will go out and look for things to make it up. She loves money, and thinks of having "Money" as "happy", not as "God". She will not look down at you if you do not have a lot of money, but she will help you make money, save money. She is not an extravagant person and sometimes will tell you not to buy her expensive and not useful gift.

She is the type who enjoy a long and quiet walk. Cancer woman also influenced by the "moon", so under the moon light she will be fascinating woman.

She has a constant fear for many things. She fear of not being smart enough, not pretty enough. Even if she is not fat, she will not be satisfy. Assuring her of her look would help, because she can change mood 4 times a day.

She is not stingy, but you will not surprise if you see she collecting old or broken junks. She ! sees that everything are useful to her. She will find a way to re-use it again some day. She is not a jealous type,but possessive.

The best part of her is that she will sacrifice everything for her love one with no limit. Don't leave her in times of troubles, she will never forget it. She is not a weak type, even she looks like one, Example if you argue with her, she might cry her heart out. Once you left, she will wipe her tears and start clean up her apartment normally.

She is a very careful mother and will look after her kids every steps of the way. If she is a mother of your children, you are at ease, but if she is! your mother in law, you are in pain. Not to worry, this type of mother in law will not let her own daughter being an "Old mate".

She could be moody and argue with you in many little things like many women, but she always wait and want to take care of you. If you argue with her and disappear a few days, she will be waiting for you, but not for long O.K. This kind of testing is risky, try not to do it.

The Cancer woman need 2 things to be happy which are "Work" and "Love". She can be live in a dusty house, but she can not live in that same ho! use with no Love.


p/s: who's the gedikest now peeps??...cik seri kot!! heeee LoL

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