hye frens....
my second entry seems to be faster to be published - ever.
agak lama kan xblogging.and bloghopping....
alahai....manyak pulak la kan kanak2 yg perlu dijaga - when I'm nearly leaving Malaysia back time.
kesian sgt rasa.and sedih tu jgn cakapla....
tgalkan harith.mmang dlm flight from Alor star ke Kl. saya asek nangeh aja....
sampai Kl, feeling a bit okay - thinking of frenss waiting patiently for my arrival kat McD Kl Sentral....
psss - Cik Uda cyg....we'll meet up later when I got home okeh! I'll visit you in that sunyisepi place called Bertam tuh, ya?
mau gugur abes semua rambut ni nk pujuk cik kak yg manjaaaa ni....ala2 comelll.........=) majuk dia...heee..
ok back to the main story - so kami geng2 umah 42 ni berjalan2 la ke mid valley - our playground masa blajar dulu ( ecece! )
and these are some of the pics ....xle letak manyak2...nnt cikuda majuk lagi...ehehe.
tapi...letak jgkla......hehehe. snapped from cik pae's camera.
enjoy the pics okeh! =)

2 anak dara yang jelita ini bernama balqis and faezah ~
cik seri calling her bf..eheeee....ok2 i lied - she's available!cpt2...hot2..

hmm..ekceli, xpuas pun jumpa ritu, cik uda xda lak tu....next time kita jpa lagi...suma WAJIB ada n kita wat sleepover sekali!hehe
(^ ___^)
so at 1am - boarding to London
( thanks pae, balqis and her fiance antaq cek nahh )
and after 14hours of flying and getting my whole body aches here and there, I arrived.
with 13 c temperature.
hmm. sejukkk...mak...
luckily my bro-in law and si cutie mutie nani sampai dgn pantasnya while bringing a jacket for me..
and after 3 hours of driving - sampaila saya di cardiff ~
so...today dah hari ke 5 - i'm here. everything seems to be okay.
saya dah pegi ke carboot - wow! sgt rambang mata okeh..
saya dah pegi ke costco - ala2 makro la, warehouse..ada jual red roses yg amatla beautiful! tp xda pulak gentleman nk blikan..hehe..
saya dah pegi ke Asda - ala2 Tesco la..nice.
lagi...sya still lagi memerap d rumah - saya kan bibik.hehe....
oh. later I'll show you Hana syamimi..the new baby of our family.ni satu batch la ngan Dania, Airis, Hilman..cumanya this one Made in UK..cute!
( of coursela, all babies are cute, isn't it?)
byk nk crita ekceli..hee...tp kna simpan, sikit2 saya cita ya?
jam sekarang menunjukkan pukul 5.09ptg.
sekian, berita jam 5.
saya melaporkan dari cardiff.
greatest care ~
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