Tuesday, December 1, 2009

* Hana is cutie baldie

he.random picture.credit to Dr izzah=)

salam.ok there goes my title.

hmm.sekarang actually nak study.10days more to the test day.but I'm still playing around.empty.sbb byk sgt nk study, so I ended up studying nothing.hehehe.bagus.


okla.meh sni nak cerita la pasal raya haji here.and the aqiqah + raya celebration with malaysians here in cardiff.

FIRST day.

  • leen keja masa 1st day ni. tp masuk keja awal skitla, usually kul 5am, dat day kami masuk pkul 4.30 am, abes kul 7.30..so tak kelam kelibutla nkg smayang raya.hehe
  • 1st day tu, xbuat apa2 pun kt umah..we got fried mee for ourselves and get ready for the next day hana's aqiqah thingy.
  • I made the gooodie bags ready. letak choclate sgala..gift to the guests.
  • tdo kul 4am.penat dan ngtuk


  • rainy and gloomy weather.sejuk...bgun awal to assist akak preparing nasi tomato and pulut
  • kul 3pm kmi pun sampai kt comunity hall and prepared the food ngn kaum hawa yg lain.
  • sgt terhibur sbb rmai sgt budak2 lari2 dan comel2 rasa nk join pun ada
  • the cukur ceremony started and hana dah pun jdi baldie yg cute. hence the title above =)

hehe.ok here the pictures:


the family.hehe.baju raya posa=raya haji.dua2 letak dlm blog.bgus.hee

sesi potong jmbul sambil berselawat

"mama potong ckitt ya syg"

ya.saya tidak fokus.asyik gelak sna sini tgk budak2 yg mcm2 songeh.* rambang mata

notice the girls?cari yg pkai bju pink and ada flower kt rambut tu - humaira nama dia.commmmmmeeeeeeelllllll sgt. dahla nama faveret i.haha. dia amat manja and slalu mintak dipeluk.adorable!

ustaz from MSD yg humorous.topik hangat: family planning menurut islam =)

taste her first sweet.how do you like it, dear?

bukti lagi.tidak fokus.dan suka bergosip.heee

muka gembira abah after cukur jmbul hana

the end

..counting days nk balik mlsia..

p/s: berita terbaru.aniq dpt no.6 in exam.ok.but.qimi...no.21.hm..gulp.

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