Monday, January 25, 2010

* needing a chauffeur


I already got my driving license for almost 4 bloody months. but I haven't drive for that long too.even short distance like going to market ~. I wonder what is actually am I thinking for being so lazy to drive. or cruel-er word -

I feel a bit scared =(

you know, in my unbiased opinion ( ceh ) . lots of advantages if I am not the one who have to drive. i mean - being a passenger.

1. I can sleep. whenever I want. oh i reallly really love to sleep in a car. or bus. or train. or anything that's moving.
except motorcycle ( nooooo..) and course - bicycle.heh. i don't understand why - it's kinda swing to me. * such a baby huh

2. I can eat. lots. and lots. without having to worry if i am to put the crisps indirectly into the nose first.heh...

3. I can listen to the music playing and can berangan too. no harm.

4. I can play with my nieces and nephews at the back seat.yeah!

5. I can usha- ing the driver next door ..haha.ok tipu

6. I am free to sms or call . heh . obviously.

see. endless list. too many advantages y'know. cant resist.

oleh yg demikian * tiba tiba

I am in need of a chauffeur!


ya mari kita lihat calon calonnya yang disuggest oleh En.Google , my PA.

segak noh? dan kelihatan sihat sejahtera. turut boleh dijadikan bodyguard dan pemintak hutang. watch out!

uish uish uish. terasa mcm artis lah kalu ini chauffeur ku. smart.and see the car hiding behind. heh.tabik!

ya.saya suka muka baik jinak begini sebagai chauffeur.
ulang bersama kawan kawan - sebagai chauffeur ya.hehe.gaya dia macam boleh mintak antar gi mana mana even pegi kedai cucuq cik rokiah selang sebuah rumah.heh.
and the uniform - suka!! and the car - awesome!!

oleh yang demikian lagi, siapakah pilihan anda?

  • encik sihat gagah
  • encik smart bergaya
  • encik comel jinak

yaa mari lah kita ( gaya dikir barat ) sama sama memberangankan diri demi kemajuan minda cerdas dan gembira.yeah!!

p/s: fine. I'll drive. dig the pocket and found nothing.hehe.

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