Salam.'s almost a month that I havent update anything up.
was just busy'n myself with everyday chores including personal mattters. y'know peeps, some things , we just couldnt finished handling it where it comes bothering us in every single steps we take in life.face it.
ok ok. ni ha i went to shah alam last two weeks - to settle few things and taking my own private time while visiting dear friends.gotta admit miss you all and our student life very much!
stepping onto the same road that we used to in our good "old" days is something.i was kind of happy hahaa remembering every memories and the laughters, fighthings ( uuoopss ), sadness, etc.
and now.everyone have taken their own way for live the life. just few words - we used to be a family.and always will =) dont we?
enough with the crap la hehe.i wanna show u the pics..just a few la - we got too many things to chat to gossip about and didnt care much about takin' pics and all.hahaha
to cik uda cyg, cik ayu cyg, cik mira cyg ( our pics in my hf=), cik rozi cyg, cik balqis cyg and cik pae cyg..
MESTI JUMPA VERY SOON ok? at least sebelum beberapa org anak dara tu
bertukar title jadi bini org.....sila terasa sila terasaaaa.....
hiii ok tonton lah
pose lebih kurg jaa...heee
i knew what you are thinking.
same location and almost the same poses!heee
ok ok fine - have to apologize for our location setting. us with hungry looking couldnt attempt to find other cute background except for those round table and food on top.hehehe.we were taking our own time window-shopping at Midvalley and taking lunch at SweetChat. * cik seri 's recommendation
thank you to cik seri, nani, reena, k.linda, mira atas jasa baik shuudii menumpangkan leen yaaa.hee.nanti hgpa semua mai kedah, tumpang "banglo" i lak ok?? semua org boleh mai tau tau tau..teeheee
cik linda cik mira cik seri makashehh belanja leen=)
and not to forget cutie zeda cyg with..heeee...juga belanja leen minum .
how sweet.kenapa semua org belanja leen.hiiiiii
ok. and finally laptop siap dgn jayanya for free.
the reason for what i managed to get blogging now anyway=) chayangg broadband celcom.....
hm apa lagi nak bgtau..ha.bout my job went very well.alahamdulillah.
sounded nice.but.
i got to decline the offer.i donwan to wear a head scarf ONLY to work wuuuhuuuuuu...... it's a regulation for the staff there, so have to abide.
and not me lah kan...
so i said to's ok.try again and. i know, it's fine to be choosy=)
okeh.tu ja nk ckp.really have no idea just yet to blog about - next entry will put my family pics - a trip to bukit merak laketown.inila kejanya sekarang bersukaria senang hati yeayyyy!
*oh oh cik pae pemenang contest leen hari tu - hee out of two contestants!
so ----- > anak dara en. subani.kita jumpa di Kl bulan 4 ok!!!!!
greatest care and love.
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