oh ok sangat lama kunun tak berblog.
sangat busy menguruskan sesuatu.
akan diumumkan, walaupun cik uda da tau awal2!!! heeee
by the way. because of the above mentioned thing - I'm leaving my hospital very soon. this Friday. honestly sangat sedih. I'm very thankful that I met a bunch of really nice friends and collegues and superiors here. it sounds cliche , i know. but really. God sent me here to learn and gain wonderful experience. I will treasure it forever.
eventhough they are non-malays, and I only knew them for like 4 months, hmm. I felt like knowing and befriended for years already.
how sweeet that they always help me. and guide me.
there's one time, I remember - after my surprise birthday party , 3 of them busy tidy-up the place and asked me if i wanted the extra rice to be taken home. i said ok, and they started to look for a container, and borrow theirs instead for me, and there's this cute Weedee ( she's 38 but look much much youngerrrrr than me I think, very small frame), she wanted to give me hers la, but then she said - "oohhh wait, I forgot la I always put my rice in here ( container ) with the pork. she cannot take it. not 'halal ' one.." I almost laugh but see. she's very sincere....=) =) so another friend - Ellena , she's adventist and vegetarian, she borrowed hers to me..
and they carefully pack the food everything for me, y'know, for someone you only knew for few months, not just anyone will do that for you..
and my superior. she's sometimes can be quite serious - of course relating the work matters, but she's very very sweet one. My first boss. and I got a kind-hearted one. Alhamdulillah. and I worked as a tuition tutor for her son, as well=)
she always corrected our English grammar during our chit chats hehehe, always impressed by her english slang - sedap tau.heheheh
and she's the one who took me in working here anyway...
actually banyak kenangan 2 yg xleh saya kupa, if nak cerita everything it would take days & months for me to finish heh heh.
time flies. and YESS.. things happen when you LEAST expected it. When I do think that I'm going to slow down with my dreams, and focus and be happy of everything that I have now,
'this thing' comes and say Hi.. with lots of hope=)
by the way.
I'm gonna miss everything. oh oh dont cry.
* looking forward for a better tomorrow"
bye byee!!
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