Ehee...sedap ja memakcikkan org kan..
Hmm.get ready for my super-lengthy nagging.from makcik here.
I’ll start now.
Hmm.Saya risau la peeps..
I have to leave harith soon.but.How am i gonna leave him?
( +_+ )
- I can’t even hold myself from seeing him- for minutes.or seconds?
- He even calls me to get him, everytime waking up from a sleep. Sometimes, rather than his own mum.
- I can’t even get my perfect bath – he’ll ask me to be quick. To be with him.
- He always wanted to be fed by me.ONLY.
What am i going to do, later, when I feel like hugging and kissing him. like always.
I’m severely worried now.
Counting from today, in less than 2 months, I’ll be away from him.and nearer-est to nani and the most welcome-Hanna..
I’ll be in Cardiff by the end of September.
( the worst part is : nobody should tell Harith that I’ll be leaving him to stay with nani becoz, they are kiddos –enemies! )
You know, kids, they have feeling just like us. They know what being jealous is like. and they also know how to feel love and being loved.
When my sister and nani came back to Malaysia and had their one month holiday here,
of course, after 2 years ! - all of us were being overjoy to see how nani has grown-up to be such an adorable kid.
We, me included had to admit that Nani has become our COA.
Centre of attraction.of the entire family.
Yea, harith, became a man of jealousy – of all that attentions that used to be his =)
It’s not to the extent that we didn’t pay any attention to Harith – maybe it’s just the ‘excited’-ness played the most at that time.
Hmm.harith asyik puk nani ja masa tu.tarik rambut.slap kat blakang nani yang putih mlepak tu,sampai mlekat cop merah 5 jari harith..
Lawak sbenarnya.nani tu ekceli ada spoilnya la, 5thun menganaktunngalkan diri..baru nk dpt adek skrg ni..
So.manja la..asek merah merah muka kna penangan askar kecik tu.
“ish....nani xsuka la cousin kecik ni mama!!”
“ maksu, npk tak tadi harith pukul nani kat siniii!!”
“ maksu, npk tak tadi harith pukul nani kat siniii!!”
<--- tunjuk bahagian dahi ..
Yang harith lak..
“Ashu..gang ngan ayih.....ni, pi ana!”
( ashu, pgang tangan harith..nani, pi sana!)
( ashu, pgang tangan harith..nani, pi sana!)
< --- smbil tarik tgn saya dan tolak tgn nani..
Hmm..merah lgi muka nani tu...
Tapi yala..nama pun cousin..nani tu syg sgt kt askar pendek yg ckp telo tu.
eheee...same with harith..mana2 pegi pun:
“ ashu, bli ni tu nahhh...”
( ashu, bli kat nani satu nah)
( ashu, bli kat nani satu nah)
< --- sambil amek lagi banyakk coklat masuk bakul tesco!
hmm.. It’s just that – that askar terlebih feeling of jealousy tu...

so nicely-posing~
Sbb tu, mmgla harap jgn sampai dia tau saya pgi jaga nani nnt.
Rasa betol xsampai hati nk buat bdk kecik camtu trasa hati ngan kita..
Really donno how to explain this. but it hurts our feeling as well. and the most.
Of course.Saya dah close dgn dia since he was a baby lagi.
Ingat tak kawan2 hosmet, ada one time tuh, every week masa kt S.Alam leen naik turun bas smata2 rindu harith. Penatt sgt...tp Rindu betol.hee.....
Apa2 pun..skarang..Saya kena kuat semangat.
Apa2 pun..harith will leave me also..sooner or later.=) dia akn membesar, kan.
Saya pun akan membesar=) LAGI..
wuuuhuuu.... ( T__T)
love u harith. With stars on.muaah.
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