Thursday, August 6, 2009

* loving these..

reading by the beach by William Heytman

Salam frens..

Syihat dak suma ?
Emm..mari sunyuummm dulu yaa..

lambat betol nk mengemasknikan blog..hi..minda mau kasi clear dulu peeps..kalu tak, malas jaa nk mengarang kan..teeeeheeee

Hm.lately, I’ve been spending most of my so limited+precious free time by:


Here are few of my current reading books - - ->

  • Mommy’s little girl by Diane Fanning– checked

  • Cut by Dian fanning– checked

  • By the time you read this by lola Jaye – checked

  • Like the flowing river & Alchemist by Paulo Caelho – checked

  • The miner’s daughter by Gretchen Moran Laskas – warming-ups

  • Laskar pelangi by Andrea Hirata – working ( before sleep ONLY )

  • Bercinta sampai ke syurga by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil ( Saifulislam) – working hard!


Hmm..ekceli i just discovered this Paulo Caelho’s ..early this year..His book contains the collections of short stories, poems,advices, motivation.

So, good..and a heart-warming one. As good as the Chicken Soup collections. Em. But to me Chicken soup is better kot.of coursela, byk authors kan..hehe..

Tp you know what, rupanya2 ada 2 selebriti yg saya dpt tau suka Paulo’s collection nih..Nora Danish and Jojo struys. Not bad isn’t it? terkejut becoz I’d never found any mag having a review for this book.and me also - just happened to know and love it at the first sight because of the s0-called classical tittle ~

Em..most of the books yg saya baca memang bukan lovey dovey punya buku.apa lagi mat saleh punya love story book.tidak suka..tidak sesuai dgn opinion ja tau ok..sbb besala mat saleh ni kan open ckit..dia crita cm everyday life dia la..yg XX pun ada kdg2..ada story book title ‘chappati or chips’ saya beli dulu, nyesal beli..beli konon nk improvekn English la kan..tpi..adei..xshuka la..tapi ada gak yg ok tau.depends...Sbb saya lagi suka Islamic lovestory book- specifically Indonesian’s. Nice, tak merapu and tak extreme sgt=) tetiba gian nk baca chicken soup I’m bad on this, but I would suggest this book to those who’d love to improve writing, grammar, creativity++, and also the feeling in their writing.and ekceli this book is a collection of stories, real stories of real people around the globe – citations on difficulties they’re having, experiencing in life and how they handled + solved it. Or in certain cases - how they failed to overcome it .

It’s a good book. Making you feel that you’re not alone in facing these things in this world.really.

anyway - the best book - kitab of know it youself ..Our HOLY Quran..=)

Apa2 pun, kena cepat2 abeskan buku2 nih...
( xmampu nk cepat ekcli..sbb ev nite da terlalu exhausted nak membaca. Being a Bibik of those kiddos making me off to sleep without bedtime stories now ~ ~ )


BTW, bulan syaaban me is a-get-ready-month. Kena hafal balik doa bukak posa..eheee...kena baca blik amalan2 yg PALING BAGUS dilakukan sepanjang Ramadhan nanti..kena reschedule all our own activities to make it nicely match ngan bulan penuh keberkatan nanti..xmau sia-siakan..kutip byk pahala kay.

who knows..maybe it’s our last Ramadhan dalam hayat kita........... ( ^_ ^)

Sama-samala kita berusaha menjadi umat terbaik di Bulan Ramadhan nanti ya?


p/s: wahai encik gastric..cuti tau sebulan Ramadhan ni? no more visiting 4 me tau?
(T__T )...xlarat nk ganti manyak hari nnti...please......

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