jap..iklan dulu..tenangkan ati ya kawan2 b4 dengar syarahan leen today ..
fuuhhhh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I want this post to be the shortest of all.
because i hate the topic..
because i hate interfering other people's business.
but somehow i feel that this can be my business too, in few points ~
actually.i hate discussing political issues. because it never ends. and it got dirtier recently. hmmmph.
agree? I do understand if you're not.
As a political dummy like me, many things related ( because there are many issues in the different parties in malaysia, including the personal one~ ) that I don't really understand.
my bad..
but, I can really understand all the basic things that my mak and ayah taught me.teaches me ekceli. about respect, sincere and helping..
yala kan, you don't have to get 5As in UPSR to understand these 3 words ..well.
sbenarnya.saya tgk news tadi,yes, about the illegal gathering held in KL involving those who are pro and Con of ISA.
saya xmau komen lebey lebey la..I've said earlier, saya political dummy kan. tapi saya kan benci la org yg buat benda2 yg menyusahkan org lain.and that 'org lain' tuh- kaum sendiri..
please hear..this makcik wants to membebel now.....
1. hmm.. in that gathering, police meleraikan the involvers mggunakan gas pmedih mata, etc..and this caused the people and the innocent public berlari lintang pukang mcm kt GAZA.
knpa nk menghuru-harakan malaysia yg aman ni?
teringin sgt nk berperang eh?
sedih tgk keadaan malaysia cmni =(
2. sbb keadaan lintang pukang tu, ada yg jatuh, cedera..
I'm wondering what happened to the lil' kids and pregnant women and the old ones??
xkesian ka?
what if somebody died here?
sapa nk tanggung salah tu? angkat tgn cepat..
3. sbb huru-hara ni jgak, pasar minggu kat situ trus jadi kawasan ala ala kena rompak..
bekas2 plastik tpt jual air tuh bocor, pecah, gerai yang kecik2 tu pun runtuh, barang2 rosak,
pendek kata..da menabur pasir ke dalm bisnes peniaga2 kat situ..yang saya tgk tadi..byknya kaum melayu.
then kat tv tadi tunjuk yg duk sibuk baling itu ini, tutup muka mcm zorro tu..org melayu jugak.berkopiah pun ada.
eh? student Univ pun ada......bak kata Buletin Utama.
hmm.byk masa mereka...PTPTN bgi duit, suruh blajar rajin2 cayang oi..
4. peeps, taktaula if saya ni betol2 dummy dlm memikirkan hal ni, tp back to the three basic words - respect, sincere and help..
- respect tu terang2 la kan...da hancurkan bisnes, mata pencarian org...kesian sgt..
- sincere tu..saya tujukan khas kpada pemimpin2 ( saya neutral apabila bercakap hal ini okeh!) pikir sendirila...
- help tu sya tujukan kpada kaum saya..wpun saya takbrapa cukup mlayu, tp saya bersemangat melayu dan syg org melayu, dan saya rasa xpuas hati bila melayu buat cmni kt org melayu.....
so...in a nutshell..hiduplah dgn aman.
yes, you can shout it out, your opinion, complaints, anything..but do it PROPERLY.
tolongla jgn mencontohi negara _______ yg suka merusuh....berdemokrasi..dgar muzik depa yg best tu okehla.
LBNL, ini opinion saya semata-mata.
sebab saya tak suka bila pikir bangsa kita sibuk2 wat benda2 gini, yg others tu sdg sibuk belajar, bekerja, dan semakin maju....
biarlah maju bersama.atau patutnya kita yg menjadi lebih maju.
sbb this is our land.originally..
emm.i'm not being racist here.as I also got lots of non-malay frens who I love so much. I just wanna these certain ppl think.sori..=)
( ^_^ )v
p/s: i failed to make it the shortest.hee hee..
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