Tuesday, September 8, 2009

* just do it !hehe..

hehe..comey sgtla.

Salam sohabat..he he

Haihh..actually i’ve promised myself to write here as frequent as possible.
And as usual.i can’t make it to be so real.heh.loads of work everyday – making me looks like makcik yg dah ada suploh anak okeh!

But this time ah fren..me wanna tell you this ahhh....

I already oooooo...


Already GOT my license!! It’s P in my hands now.

yeeeehuuuuu! \\( ^o^)//

So..this is the feeling...sgtla relieving.lega amat..

Tapi kan.amat lawak tau..saya mggunakan helah tau.

This is the trick that I wanna tell you.secret.jgn gitau org JPJ tuh tau!

Actually mmgla ada 2 bahagian test ni kan.
Naik bukit + parking and satu lagi drive kat main road la..
Drive kat main road tuh ada beberapa laluan- so, ikut luck la kita dpt laluan mana..

So masa saya test tu..saya kena laluan 1

  • Description- laluan satu is a rocky road with busy cars and my cikgu had taught me driving thru this road only once.so.I’m so not remember the route and I’m so afraid of the big cars here.

But ada one more laluan- laluan 2

  • Description- laluan dua is a very ‘light and easy’ road with less cars and smooth traffic. And I always practicing and driving thru this road.

See.which one would you hope to be your route if you were me back on the test day??
‘Lucky’ me.I got the FIRST route.mmg telan air liur xlepas ooo dgr JPJ tuh cakap:

laluan satu ya cik haslina”


Saya pun dgn sejuk2 kaki...drive slowly....and..straight ke arah...laluan 2!

Hahaha.ya! saya dgn berani mati buat2 xdengar yg encik JPJ tu sebut laluan 1.

saya gembel ja redah gi laluan 2- faveret saya.

Dalam hati takut gila kalu2 dia suruh patah balik..and takot kalu dia terus fail kan saya..

saya dah plan nk cakap cmni – “eh, alamak, salah jalan la encik....dah sampai dah pun..”

Atau pun saya pikir nk ckp cmni – “ sori encik, saya dengar encik ckp laluan 2 tadi....”

Atau pun ckp camni – “eh xla..encik ckp laluan 2 tdi, lupa eh?!?”

Atau pun kalau tahap kritikal saya nk ckp camni – “ala encik..jgnla marah saya.saya blanja buka posa, nakkk??”

Atau pun saya pikir..saya xnk ckp apa2 and buat confident saja....selagi dia xtegor saya.

And I chose the last one..

And succeeded!!!!
Mmg encik tuh xckp apa2..relax ja tgk saya drive..Cuma dia ckp cmni –

“ laju sikit ya cik haslina”.

Saya pun tekan minyak dgn bahagia la kan........

Hmmm...should i say that I’m quite lucky that day? , hmm..i mean lucky enough to have thinking the trick like that?

Mintak maaf ya encik JPJ yg baik hati – of course you won’t read my blog kan.and tenkiu sesangat bagi P kt i tau!

Saya sayang sangat Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia!!!

p/s: agak2 puasa saya affected x becoz of the trick?eheee....

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