Hai there!
Hm.pejam celik, ke sana ke mari, xsedar rupa rupanya dah bulan 9.dah nak raya pon!!
And on the 6th of October, I’ll be flying all the way to London.
Hm.pejam celik, ke sana ke mari, xsedar rupa rupanya dah bulan 9.dah nak raya pon!!
And on the 6th of October, I’ll be flying all the way to London.
xsabar nk jumpa nani.and the upcoming baby.
tp xsggup rasa nk tggal harith and the other kiddos.humpf!
Everything’s ready.except my real self preparation.hahaha.
Weird.obviously, I’m not that happy ~ thinking of leaving many people here.
and thinking of the possibilities for having to adjust many things regarding my life.and the future.hm. and I’m still not sure whether this is the right thing to do.
the possibilities, still. but i’m not hoping it to happen, for real.
Yes, cik oya – in many points.I’m agree with the selfish thing that some people had-maybe they’re born with it. And we’re the victim.tq. haha.ok.this is crap.cut it. Xda kena mengena ngn sesapa....
However, in anyways – I’ll still go. Promise IS still a promise. And whatever happens next, I think I should just let it happen ( this is not the real me, though..)
– as I’ve done everything that I could for almost a year and now.
i’ll just have to wait for the outcomes and keep praying.
Hm.shall i?
it does sound nicer now I guess.hahaha.
Actually, I don’t want to put pressure on myself – thinking all these stuffs.
Perhaps things aren’t great.but however bad they seem ,
i still believe that where there is life there is hope. <-- who said this once to me?
And I’m alive.obviously.I’m writing, now!
I should embrace this, because I can do ANYTHING while there is breath in my body.
Whatever challenges that i need to face now- i won’t let it beat me.yeah.mighty leen.
This is me. As optimistic as always – walaupun saya sedang mau nangis sebaldi sekarang!!
p/s: looking forward to meeting you, frens.sempat?
love.love.love.* with stars on *
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