Monday, December 21, 2009

* Cardiff was happily snowing.

bukan cardiff.

ini cardiff.cameron be exact kereta abg ipar di hadapan rumah.

di tempat kerja saya.


continue.when cardiff was happily snowing, perhaps I should too..


me.last 2-3 weeks

that was me too. last week.


this is me.NOW.hehe

eh eeehhhh ewahhhhh.....



sorry for the long silent.hope those gedik gedik tuzki rabbits explained it all.wahaaaaaa.

another TWO working days.

another cardiff days what?still about a lorry of gifts to buy? gotto remember my dozen nephews and nieces!

weehuu.lagak cm keja diplomat ja i kt cni T_T

tp xpala.gaji abes pun puas hati see the smiling faces of anak2 buah yg ekceli xrindu i tp berdebar debar -

"apalaaaa ashu aku nk bg adiah nnt niiiiiii...

hmm (^__^)>

oh.about my london trip.hehe gmbar semuanya berada di tgn abg ipar ku masih.akn diupload later.

enough said-being in London was like in the middle of magical land in the last last centuriess ago.
sgt cantik.nk pegi lagi.

mari kawan kawan kita kumpul duit pegi bersama sama dah jgn mkn nasi dah lpas ni ikat perot semua mkn hupseng ja wokeh!

about the exam? "awesome"..hahaha.yeah.not that too far from what i've expected anyway.hence my mereng came all the week after.after the full week of non nite sleeps.
* clap clap *

namun begitu, masih berupaya shopping di carboot splott kt cni.yala kn masa di london hanya mampu memberikan seulas senyuman manis manis kambing kepada Harrods.dan juga kedai grand yg lain.sambil tangan berada di dlm poket bukan utk mengambil duit utk mmbayar, tetapi utk menahan kesejukan dan iman diri.

tp kn jgn pandang tutup mata kepada carboot sale.kerana saya berjaya mendapatkn
beg Dorothy Perkin ( only 2 pound ) !
dan baju Marks & Spencer beserta Atmosphere ( masing masing 50p = 1 pound ) !


ok sebenarnya bukanla terlalu after dgn bnda bnda branded ni.asal cantik dan hati berkenan, semua pun suka, kn? tapi bila cantik , murah dan branded.that's a package.

this analogy seriously not applies to human okeh.teehee.

and tadi sengaja menambah kegembiraan hati dgn mmbeli ini.

penah usha di negara kita , mahal..cni, murah..hihi.

okla.itu saja.salam maal hijrah.agak lmbat saya..and menyahut seruan cik paezah.memang sedang berhijrah=)

seyesly.rindu amat kt kawan kawanku.cepat cepat cepat jom jumpa!!

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