OK. This post is about our trip to London ---> malaysia embassy - GRE exam - jalan jalan day.
ok.I'll just let the pic do all the talking lah.
ha...London is just amazing.seriously.
sori for just these few photos.actually we did snap lots of them, but of course i cant put all in this little entry , no?
tapa.tapa.nnt geng...kita pgi london bersama.remember the promise?
so later i think if God permits, and we happened to wake up from our sleep one day and suddenly realized that we do have lots of RM Rm RM in our Bank Mualamalat account - wuhuuuu...- off we can go London-tripping-shopping together, haha.
i suggest that one of us - preferably kak linda or kak seri or kak apa2 la or yes uda or yessss Pae or yessss mira puitis..please go and find one nice super rich husband or at least boyfriend so that we can all tumpang and get some or no, lots pocket money and hehe together together we can have our good fun time in London and shopping mopping in Harrods , no?
please get yourself creative and active and effective haha by entering all tikam dan menang or gores dan menang or talipn dan menang whatsoever in which the prizes would be 10 free
(and return) tickets to London and not to forget the money !
and we work as a cleaner ( ehem ) while in London and till we get enough money then only go back to Malaysia.
soalan teka teki : Sila kira berapa kali perkataan Harrods dinyatakan dalam karangan dia atas.
syarat- syarat penyertaan :
i suggest that one of us - preferably kak linda or kak seri or kak apa2 la or yes uda or yessss Pae or yessss mira puitis..please go and find one nice super rich husband or at least boyfriend so that we can all tumpang and get some or no, lots pocket money and hehe together together we can have our good fun time in London and shopping mopping in Harrods , no?
please get yourself creative and active and effective haha by entering all tikam dan menang or gores dan menang or talipn dan menang whatsoever in which the prizes would be 10 free
(and return) tickets to London and not to forget the money !
we should just work to the bone!
and book our AirAsia tickets 100days before.
so that we can get the cheapest ticket maybe rm9.99 to London, ok?
and we work as a cleaner ( ehem ) while in London and till we get enough money then only go back to Malaysia.
Harrods? hm.no money..so perhaps we can apply for a cleaner post in Harrods!! yeay.
I'm clever,no?
I'm clever,no?
ok.masa yg dinanti-nantikan.
soalan teka teki : Sila kira berapa kali perkataan Harrods dinyatakan dalam karangan dia atas.
*hadiah - kasih sayang tidak berbelah bahagi . hahaha. hadiah dirahsiakan.
syarat- syarat penyertaan :
- perempuan ( sori mat, mahmud, sabri, hasan, ibrahim, karim, hamid, baharom, Subani....)
- senyuman manis
- bertudung - hahaha
- Malaysian - jawa dibenarkan ( haha )
- reti ckp utara bahaha
bila baca balik.sendiri pun tak faham apa yg saya merepek dlm entry ini.
bye.nk tidoq.
bye lagi.
ok bye..
fine.good NYTE!!
p/s : after this will story bout snow playing kt Brackon and shopping day kt Bridgen=)
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