I wasn't entirely surprise when she told me ....err... okay to be exact when I found out actually that she already have a B.O.Y.F.R.I.E.ND..
and the other little cute thing also - I knew it quite long that she'd already have one.
*jaw dropping*
yes.but i feel a bit of em..uneasy.hahahah
because I ALWAYS feel that they are still MY little girls. I mean, they do look like little girls to me.manja. and comel some more.
maybe because we didnt have that MUCH time to be together or grown up together, I didnt even had a chance to do things like change their nappy or send them to school at standard one or buy them raya dresses when they were small..
and the so-called first time that we met and sort of really being together, hang out lepak2 together as an 'adult' was last year. That was maybe the starting year that made us more closer . that actually makes me feel like a real sister who can take care of them....after all those years.....
as a family.we 've always been a family, i knew, but i mean living together under one roof kind of thing..
so. recapping and back to the topic.they've grown up. a big girl now.
and falling in love.....
I am not that happy actually.honestly. I feel like they are being taken away from me.
but well. I do trust them. because I think I know them better than anyone else..and because they are my sisters.
to Mira and Zira:
see, I've announced to the world your status now.hahaha.okay, please take care. I am watching ya'.
bear in mind..=)
have to remember that I love both of you more than your bf love you.understood??
jgn abeskan kredit tepon your bf aja. tepon kakna kt penang ni.tahu????
sekian.harap berikan sesuatu hadiah drpda mesir demi menutup mulutku daripda memberitahu ayahanda tercinta.
seriosly.love both eh eh.. three of you so much=)
heee. haty terasa sangat mendalam. tapi i love youuuuu sis !