hi my friends. so long that I waited and counted everyday, when will I really been able to update.
so here.
tonite.I put aside of everyting.and staring high-spiritedly on the laptop screen.hehe
ok.my dear freiends, I am now working as a health educator in Penang Adventist Hospital ( shocking, dont you? )

my units are under a Wellness & Lifestyle Intervention Centre, which is a department of Community Health.
FYI, this hosp is a charity-based & non-profit hospital. Aside the name - they treat all different religions staffs really well, and whatmore- they only serve vegetarian food at the cafetaria.hahaha.makes me craving for some chicken & meat LOL....
ok ok next.
here. I am being assigned to handle mostly on the Nutrition and Lifestyle part =)
What do I do ? I dont really know how to put this, but in one - i got to promote and encourage and teach and educate ( same thing rite? ) a HEALTHY lifestyle through diet & nutrition , as the department will sort out many plans and programs for the internal as well as the community, especially for kids, parents and the poor ones. Will get to travel a lot too .
if things go well throughout the months laa.hehe.
and tomorrow - Sunday ----> i will have a 'dating' time with Malaysian Diabetic Association members to have them doing the health screen things and the diet consultation.
and just right after that - I will have a time enjoying myself at the Baby Massage Class - where i will be one of the 'teacher' of the class.....sounds fun, dont you think??? just hoping that the babies wont be that cranky la.haha
and.we also have an aerobic class every monday and thursday.those who are near, come and join me okay! hehe.
so my working days are monday to thursday ( 8-5) and friday & sunday ( 8-1) , off on saturday.
weird working days, isn't it?
hehe. anyway, it's flexible actually i must say.just like the normal working time where you got that overtime and time-off thang.
oh.i go to work by WALKING.hehe i guess i had lost some weight.ecececeee.but it's really hot here that by the time i got home, i feel like pengsan to coma feeling already.very low stamina.heheheeee.
hopefully, my car , eceh my borrowed car will be available soon.honestly.the car is ready.but the driver is such a chicken!me la the driver tu.heheeeee
hm.lagi.....ok dah.crita pasal umah lak.
as you can see - below is my apartment.ececeee gaya mcm kaya sgt . hehe i sewa sebijik bilik cumel kt umah ini.sgt selesa alhamdulillah.got no problem - so far.
and this apartment located just near the beach i tell you.so nice that i got to go jogging there or at least have some fine evening walk.oh my dear.really really hope that I can do all these with you all.just like we were years before.miss you so much!
eceh.bilik cumel konon.
sat sat.notice the pink alarm clock.cepat kata comey cepat.hahahaha

another gambaq cewi masa hari pertama nak pegi keja=) belom dpt uniform masa ni, so can wear whatever.now only greeeeeennn.......hehehe.
actualy i hate camwhoring sorang2.mcm lawakla posing and tgkap gmbar sendiri.hehe tp buat jgk.hahahaa
ok.sekian.itu sahaja.....nnt akan tgkap gmbar banyak2 and crita crita lagi.
can u please stay tune??
love u all.
bytheway.so lonely here.
rasa cm nak bela kucingla.....
wehh!! mn 1 kmi mana 1 huda!!! kmi taw mst huda hat itik tu..sbb die jln pungkok tongek!! hahahahaaaa
ReplyDeletewahhh..bestnyer.. hmm... tgu km smua blik kg.. bleh g lepak umah leen..missssss u ssoooo muchhh...
ReplyDeleteto cik seri: jom jom maila lepak kt tpt leen wehhhhhh!!!!!!! miss u tooooooooo!!
ReplyDeleteto pae: huuuuuuuuuuuuu paeeee.....knapa xdpt jumpa....