Time flies. I just realized how big I am now, today.big as if er err not a girl anymore, but more to being a woman,ecehh.
ok ok fine. feeling 'big' is not part of being matured, really. it's just the very superficial feeling.that I managed to drive.alone. i mean in my car alone.surrounded by hundreds of car on the busiest penang roads..
do you know how nervous i am? I was trying to cross the road ( 2 way road ), and my feet couldnt even press the pedal properly, that I can feel the shaking! haha
but still, i can always maintain my confident face.haha.thinking that the other unknowing drivers might not notice and of course, care a bit of my feeling that time, i just GO! and drive and drive and drive.
anyway.penang teaches you to drive in a kamikaze way, really!!
so today was a round round penang day. =) I practiced to use the roads which I thought will be very useful ~
oh i got my own checklist on which roads should I focus more, for these first few days of driving:
from my apartment to hospital. succeed
from my hospital to my apartment. succeed.
the shortest but dangerous route - succeed
the longer but easiest route - succeed but still unsure.
the market to buy vegetables and eggs when needed - twice rounds and succeed. I am a good shopping lady.
the shopping mall - OF COURSE succeed! see? very good shopping lady.
the beach aka Gurney drive - oh oh my playground, succeed!
and I also accidentally went on to other unfamiliar road ~ proving my sesatness as well.hehe.
so today is the exam day lah.so called.as this is the results of two weeks road observation during my walking-to-work days. hardworking sgt lah kn.takot sesat.
but as my mom put it - sesat sesat pun di melesia jugak!
haha even my mom is bravier....... pity me.
actually I planned to ask my closest collegue to accompany me la during my driving here.today. but she suddenly got something to do.suddenly.so, as lonely as I am here, I brought myself up and blasah aja. so sepanjang jalan, telan air liur aja.kering tekak2.after bout 5 minutes, alhamdulillah.ok already=)
lega hati dah bawak keta mai ni.
I was very nervous ( again! ) every morning walking to my workplace as there are many lingering loitering whatever you called dogs here, y'know. they can come and walking with you, even! manja dogs that really freaking me out lorr.
so msalah ini selesai la jgk.
ha ni gmbaq keta saya pakai kt cni, mind you.initially, it's not my car. but now, it's MAYBE has become mine.as I paid for it.monthly.pokai la saya.he.until I got a chance to further study, this will be my car la.

ni saya google ok.but it's same la.just mine one got few red stripes at both sides.and not lawa mcm gmbar ni la.mine not a new one laaa....
keta ni sporty la senang nk bawak naik bukit.as in my case, bukit bendera maybe.hahaha.relevant dak.hee.but i love this car. not so big and not so small. yg penting sporty.and user-friendly.senang nk handle.xdak lesen pun mesti reti bawak keta ni.trust me.hehe.ok paezah?????
ok next is nama dia.tada lagi.sebab kelihatan macho.dan sporty.tp manja.suggestion? hehe usually i love naming my beloved things as "bibi" . sounds cute. but really takmasuk lgsung nama bibi dgn keta ni.hahahaha
so for now, i just call him IO. his real name la.ecehh 'He' konon.my son.hahaha
ok tu aja nk cerita.my updates from penang.
please pray for my safe driving here ya..
friends.miss you all.I am so lonely without my friends here! and I dont even have time to meet cik faezah! sorii....been waiting for you to come home for long, but then, couldnt see you..so sad actually. sori pae..jgn kecik ati tau...kita berjodoh nanti, i pi jumpa you di india.ecehhhhh...
till then.
have a good nite's sleep everyone!!
kak. nnt drive pandai2. bwak mira eh eh :)