do you know heidi?
a little orphan girl who is sent to live with her scary long beard grandpa in the Alps mountain.
her life was so fascinating, even from the first day she'd been there, she first made her own bed make of layers of hay, a sweet & fresh-smelling hay, where in her up-room, she could see the beautiful scenery of the valley, thru the round hole in the wall.
hehe, I imagined myself at her place everytime, when I first bought and read the book, when I was 13.I was so impressed with the landscape of the story, and it's a real splendid story.
a little orphan girl who is sent to live with her scary long beard grandpa in the Alps mountain.
her life was so fascinating, even from the first day she'd been there, she first made her own bed make of layers of hay, a sweet & fresh-smelling hay, where in her up-room, she could see the beautiful scenery of the valley, thru the round hole in the wall.
hehe, I imagined myself at her place everytime, when I first bought and read the book, when I was 13.I was so impressed with the landscape of the story, and it's a real splendid story.
heidi is simple, something that all of us can understand and appreciate, it tells us that love is everywhere even in the very corner of the world. it also shows how world is simple indeed.with flowers,faith, courage, friendship and little thrift.

eventhough it has been written and published a hundred years ago - but it remains in my hearts until now.
I was in seri puteri that time, was so inspired on how the little girl knows how to take joy in everything that she could find, and when the hardship and difficulty comes in her way, she can endure it with brave.at least, that time, I learned that I am not alone.hahaha.you know, masa tu, kat hostel, jauh ngn family, kind of being very homesick , jauh dengan family yadayada baru belajar hidup basuh baju sendiri heh heh so bila baca buku ni yg ter-accidentally beli wpon masa tu taktau pon buku ni sgt glamer ( first published 1880!!!! ), ada sikit rasa hepi.
and it helped me a lot with my vocab that time.almaklum masuk form one baru blajaq nk speaking sgala kawan2 lak ank org kaya duduk oversea speaking cair abes.......
terkeluar topik melalut ke laut.nak crita betaapaaa sukanya saya pada heidi.oleh yg demikian, eh salah, walaupun begitu, saya telah kehilangan buku tersebut=(. mungkin faktor umur tak reti jaga brg masa zaman muda mudi suka ria.
oleh yg demikian ( again ), saya selalu cuba mencari the same exact book, with pic of young girl sitting in a flower-filled meadow.heh.kaler biru gelap.but couldn't find it.maybe i wasn't really 'search' for it, or they just don't sell it anymore in mlsia.it's a classic book, anyway.haha
hm until on my first day been in Penang, to my hospital. I noticed the SALE ( all girls love noticing this word, aren't we? , heh) up to 90% ( again *rolling eyes* ) in Popular bookstore. tanpa melengahkan masa, ceh ceh trus pegi cari dgn harapan yg menggunung.and yes, I found it. not the sama cover, and colour.but it's the same story.

it's heidi.my first english storybook 11 years ago * tears*
haha.tapi berbulan bulan masih tak sempat baca, actually takmau start baca, kot tak jadi kerja la kalu dah start mengadap kan.tp dah peluk2 letak tepi bantal.haha
so itu sahaja.sebenarnya semalam saja taip google2 jumpa heidi kt youtube.the whole movie! ( yes, it has been adapted to a film ) - you must watch it okay? and you'll totaly understand even if you dont read of everything that I've bebel -ed above.hehe
eh eh eh King's College London. I wanna go there.teeheeeee
eh eh. mira taww buku kak yang niii. mira penah baca masa mira sekolah rendahh. kak punyaa. mira engat lagiii! hehehe
ReplyDeleteyeayy! kira cm my first english book jugakk laa. hahaha :D :D
haha ya eh??? kak xingat...but you first read it when you were younger than me!!! clever girl=) cepat balik ok???
ReplyDeleteheheh :)
ReplyDeletea'ahhh. sbb masa tuhh nak pandai cm kak. nk p ssp jugakk aihh. hahah
so nk jugakk baca buku yg kak bacaa. haha :D
okee. hehe. on my wayy. nak balikk la nii. ngah strive for exams
kak. mira nk balik dari KL to kedah cmna eh?mama mira cm tabole amek ja. mira balik hari sekolah.
olololo...... hehe..hm.ni mira confirmkan betol2 tarikh flight suma, kak nk beli tiket air asia turn penang.nnt kak amek mira n blik kedah, ok?
ReplyDeletetapa tapa. mama mira ckp dia suh kak ekin (kazen mira) belikn tiket. pastuh nnt dia tunggu mira sampai mira naek fli8 balik kdah. tp mira nk p gak kat kak nnt. hehe
ReplyDeletetp kan. mira da prob taw. tak sure ngan date nk balik, sbb mira nya exam final sem 1 tak sure bilaa. adehh -_-
susahh laa. nk apply scholar ka loan ka. kak loan mara susah takk eh?