Sunday, June 6, 2010

* Balqis's wedding + kedah travelling

our sweet balqis =)sekarang syah punya..hehe

all anak dara of tadisma 42,

ini gmbar tahun 2005=) masih remaja trang tang tang

sekarang dah minus 2 org...hehehe ( hajar's not in the pics )

so. yes....balqis is now someone's wife.but syah - her hubby said that he could lend her to us once in a while in case balqis misses us. once in awhile. huh. i guess this is what will happen to all of us, when one of the 'group' member getting married...

i really hope that our dreams, having a home sweet home next to each other, will eventually becomes true.hehehe. dream on! those who couldn't squeeze their bz times for the kenduri, yes, we ( leen, seri, uda,k.linda, mira, rozi ) hv been to pn. balqis's wedding on 5th June 2010 - but all of us except rozi & mira arrived one day before, to catch up with the akad nikah ceremoy.hehehehe.

seronok wokeh!!

we all got a chance to spend an overnight in a classic kampung style house. it 's balqis'aunt - maklang 's house.bes. sunguh bes. we were given a room upstairs, and y'know the room is very macam mengimbau kenangan lama gitu - ok, bukanla kenangan saya, tapi more like kenangan utk org zaman dulu2 , bilik dia wooden-made, and ada satu big wooden window, and classic bed, and ohhhhhh,,,,,,, i cant explain it very well i guess. i just love it.heheheh.

fuh.apasal terang pasal bilik pon berbaris2 panjang????????!

ok belum.bilik mandi dia on bessss.air sejukkk...and bes.ok bes suma bes.

ha dah.

selepas 5 tahun daripada gambar di atas, mari kita lihat gmbar terkini 2010.hehe

diari travelling kami =):

4 jun 2010

5.30 pagi
di hadapan McD 24 hours Gurney
saya memecut dengan laju ececeee sbb xsedar mereka ( uda linda seri + uda's abe ) suda sampai almost half an hour..hehehehee.ngtok n sbb terlalu excited dgn kedatangan mereka, couldn't sleep the nite before,or sleep with a smile y'know.ehee

ok, then, fetch them, we went to jalan2 uda nk makan nasik lemak sbb kat Kl dah xda org jual nasik lemak ( =p ) , so pagi pagi blind itu kami meredah jalan trus jalan dan jalan menuju ke btu feringhi yesss!!!!! oh pusinggggggg then sampai situ stop solat di masjid jamek BF, then usha usha kedai nasi lemak for breakfast sbb masing2 perot kempis ( bukan selalunya senang2 mau sekempis itu ya kawan2 ) then akhirnya kami makn di kedai mkan kaksu.or nama panjang kedai mamak subaidahhh.......................................

we had our nasi lemak there. it was nice.hmm. okla. dibelanja oleh kak linda kaya raya kita.tenkiuuuu!!!!

we didnt know what to do, so at last we decided to go jalan2 at padang kota lama. near the jetty.

it was sooooooo nice to go there in the morning.fresh air.many people, but we didnt bother, just took lots and lots of pics, and making jakun faces seeing the taichi aunties, as well as the kipas-taichi aunties ~ hehehhe.

hahaha uda amat comeyy!!

fotoshoot dewi remaja hahahahaa

London girl!!

gadis gadis litar pdg kota with my ensem prado

9.00 am
we finished with the 'jogging' and exercise muscle2 mulut yg duk sengihhhh amek gmbar, ececeh, so we made our way for balqis'wedding 's gift-hunting!!

it was still early as we arrived Komtar + Prangin Mall, so we just jalan2 and lepak2 in kaya katakan.walaupun begitu, hanya mampu merasa a sip of cik seri's coffee, sbb suma yg lain kedekut nk beli sendiri.ehehee

ok pastu, in short, kami tunngu prangin mall bukak, cari hadiah, dah jumpa, evn it's not complete yet - but we are actually short of time, and 3 hours of shopping was just not enough.oh well.

so kami gerak balik apartment hebat i,hahah skali masuk, bilik kecik cenonet aja..masing2 mensardin kan diri, as usual la kan...mcm xbiasa=) =)

mandi2 salin baju mekap2 + pilih2 baju baju baju utk kaklinda * berpeluh * and yes, cik seri was the first to go for shower but she's the last to bersiap2.tapi sbb dia ketua rombongan kenduri, kami redha aja.....eheheheheheh!! she's the queen kannnnnnn...................................heeee

ok then, solat.

kami pon bergerak balik kedah yg indah permai aman damai yeayyyy!!!!!!!

sebab still ada barang nak beli , kami sampai kedah dalam pukul 2.30, and straight away masuk tesco, and beli brg sgala.

ok ni first time drive pakai bju kebaya, kurung sgala...fuhhhhh.............harap keta ja macho kot.HAHAHA

saja letak gmbar kaklinda tersepit sbb cumel.hehehe

ok mari mari shopping!!

kaklinda yg seriussss & uda yg asyikkkk memain..heheheee. completes each other, no?

yess! beli oven sebijik utk balqis and syah =)

solat2, and off we go to find a place to do the henna @ modern inai.hehehehee

for rm7 we got our hands done, and then we rushed to merbok - to Kg Hilir, balqis's kg.


we arrived balqis's home and just on time that the family 's going to the mosque, so we just follow them...


akad nikah.we hardly heard the akad from balqis's hubby, but eventually.they are now sah & approved to be husband & wife. alhamdulillah.......
yg lawaknya...balqis sgtla rileks, yg nerves xhingat ni adalah kami berempat duk pgg tgn sgala.. sweet...

di mana cik seri??? hehe

hm actually the plan was everyone in the group should wear pinkish bju kurung/kebaya/saree etc etc for akad nikah, and purplish~ for the kenduri, but then, you see, I was the only alien here. i only have one purple ( thank God for that) and one green kebaya in my penang home.

the sarung cincin-salam-cium dahi time.

hehe haiippppp budak2 xle tgk gmbar cium dahi. besa dia.

ni kt umah balqis da..

tgk muka sorang2 belemoihhhh daaa hehehe, dari pagi wehhh duk berjalan2 hehee tp puan pengantin tetap berseri meri ok....hehe

then we asked balqis how'd she feel that time, after the akadnikah, and she replied

" ntahhh..kami xdengaq la.blur...tgk2 sah dah.kami xda prasaan la...'"

hahahaha co0l!!
* hmm but i knew, deep inside, she was so so happy indeed, and we all are so relieved ( ecehh ) that our very kind-hearted balqis is now belongs to a man - as good as syah =)

ok amek gambaq.and balqis was sooooo sweeeeetttttt again and always....................

then balik umah balqis, kemas2 barang kami di rumah tumpangan @ homestay, after maghrib - we went to balqis's, to help her with bilik pengantin's decor.eceh.

* her kak chaq was so nice to get us some nasi goreng to eat.and we were so piranha-like that time, with asam pedas keladi + gulai nangka.gulp!!!

after we put inai on her all fingers and feet , and put some on ours too ( hahaha ), then we off to sleep. around 2 am.ahahahaha.


8.30 am
besok paginya - keta rosak so xdapat fetch mira di SP, and xdpt beli bunga, so mira mai naik taxi, bunga adik balqis pergi beli, and we had again nasi lemak as breakfast ( niceeeeeee one! ).
we finished off some other things for the bedroom, and around 12, we all gerak to mandi ( ehee ) and bersiap2 for kenduri=) =)

ini gambar kami tolong hias simple2 bilik pn. balqis ~

nice pelamin kan??

ok then. yeessss kami makan lagi.this time the real nasi kenduri laa..bessss...and one of the makcik mentara keep on offering us extra lauks to eat.and we hardly say no - sedap sangat, mmg xhingat dunia hehehe
ok after perot penuh dan hebat;

then, tgkap gambar, then berarak bawak balqis pgi sambut syah kat tepi jalan dekat rumah.

oh oh tringat tiba2 kaklinda jadi org penting lari amek kipas tangan syah yg tertinggal.

Uda, sila lakonkan semula adegan comel kaklinda trsebut!! hehehe

ok then, after syah arrived, bersanding sgala, makan beradab, and as usual............ photo timess!!

ok.abes majlis, and my car pon da berjaya dibaiki hee - kami semua, ngn rozi & her gang also, off to Tg Dawai, jalan2, beli belacan, ikan bilis, keropok sotong sgalaaa...then, otw to umah cik seri, kami sempat singgah Lubuk Tupah, to celup2 kaki, main2 air, hehe eventho kaklinda trigin sgt nk mandi,tp agak bahaya sbb hujan lebat mlm tu, and dah xsempat pon...cian kaklongggg.

tg dawai

lubuk tupah

then kami trus p umah cik seri!! eh before tu stop kt pekan bidong beli buah & toys for aina ( seri's sis ) ~.

smpai kt umah seri, dah bau bess sgt ( makannnnn lagiiiiii !!! ).pas smayang sgala, makan laksa, makn ketam bersalut tepung enak crunchy ( mira juara! haha ) and makan cucuq cempedak.oh oh sgt sedap laksa diaaaa....mama seri sgt baik, tok dia sgt peramah and cute =) thanks serii!!! it was a wonderful evening!!

inila yg dikatakan diam diam berisi = mira...amboihhh penuh pinggan da ngn ketammmm...=)

after maghrib, kami trus gerak ke SP - ke Penang, leaving seri to makan laksa lagi kt umah diaaa and rozi & geng went back to balqis's.

after tol masuk penang, I asked uda to drive, hehe

uda comel, hepi2 masa drive my prado padahal da bertahun kot dia driving, heheee much more longer than me ( baru 2 bulan!! ) hahaaaa

sampai Penang, kami pi mkn di Gurney, part bes masa parking heheheheee cyg uda!!!

then bwk kaklong and girls weee weee kt McD, then mkn pasemboq . ok i dont want to put the dancing pasemboq-man here ya wehhhh!!! hehe

lepas stuffing the perot to make it more buncit-er, mira pon berkata " jom kita blanje korang pgi tgk wayang " and we all were like " yeeyyyyyy !!!!!" so we went to Gurney plaza, tgk crita lawak merepek Nanny McPhee yg besss hehehee..sbb ada uda's faveret pet, before that uda bawak kami pi main game. ok pkai bju kurung ok.sgt solehah masa main game kereta racing T__T but got to say It Was Fun!! tp xbrani masuk sorang hahahahaa

ok so dalm pukul 2pgi, crita tamt, balik umah saya, tidoooqqq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dah ya, crita tamat di sini.fuhhh,,,,,cepat2 nak update pasal wedding balqis ni by tonite...sbb after this gonna be a bit busy ( cehhhh....... )

so.sungguh gembira tau weekend ritu.akan ingat sampai ayu, paezah, zeda, and semua yg xdapat mai, this post is for you, nanti next wedding - rozi? ayu? hehehehe kita pgi serbu dan makan lagi ok??? rindu semuaaaaaa.................................................!!!

and sgt sgt rindu hgpa semua....i really treasure our friendship u all!!! muuahhh!!!!



  1. ohh nangesss...rinndunyaaa kt hgpaa sumaa!!!ishhhh3!!!

    japp3 nak refreshh2 saat2 indahh heee

    # leen tringat kaen basahh b'lubang atas bawahh kt umah mklang!hahhaaa =P jenuhh nk cover sanaa-sinii heee

    # alaa rinnduu kt prado y machoo leennn..kem salamm peluk ciumm sana-sini skit heee =P

    # hahaaa hg jgn ajaq prado parking atas divider jalan nt akak gi samann okehh!!aaa terserlahh kemachoooooan hg leenn!!!hakkk3!!!

    # bukan senanng mira nk blnja tgk crita "ba alip ba ya" terbang hhahahaaa =P tringat "ba alip ba ya" duk wat brenang beriramaa hahaa trus rasa nk wat jadik pet hee =P

    # hahhaa jgn lupaa bilaa laluu gurney singgah kenyit2 mataa kt abg pasemboq hat syoq b'disko tipu kta timunn xdakk pdahall depan mataa diaa ada bnyak lg hahaa =P

    # jgn lupa hg ada bespren baruu hat penuhh kasih syg mntak tolong dgn manjaa antaq pi pekan hhaaaa

    # xkn lupaa k.lindaa larii tonggek2 amik kipass hahaahaa

    ohhhh winndunyaaa!!! nangesss sedeyy nk kumpul ramay2 lg =(

    mmuahhh3!!1sayangg hgpa sumaa!!!

  2. wahhhh panjangnyaaaaa...leen ingat sumanya kak!!!! in short & sweet:

    i love u and our gang very the very muchhh laaaa!!!!!!

    udaaaaa...jgn kawin lgi tau.hahaaa.....nnt leen xda geng nk kcau k.lnda..and how sad pi wedding umah hg n balik without u then..mst uda asyik berkepit ngn anwar jaaaa....wuuuhuuuuu............

    anyway, nnt kna jumpa n wat reunion lg tauuu!!!!


  3. kenangan sgt byk wpon skejap ja kita jumpa kn...lama gila da xjumpa ekceli kn..

    i miss all our times together in S,Alam....
